Remember: Faith it till ya Make it 😆
We had a pretty crazy experience with someone we found back in November, M_____. M_____ is having a pretty hard time and we've really hoped that we could see him progress, but nothing has really been happening. So I thought that it'd be good to help him out a little bit more and get him a study journal, some highlighters and some sticky notes. it was a nice journal and we thought he'd like it a lot. We stopped by on Monday because we had an appointment on tuesday we weren't going to be able to make it to, and he invited us right in. We gave him the journal, and he was really on the verge of tears and he was very emotional. I didn't know it was going to be such a huge deal to him. We ended up talking for two hours at least and we actually went past the curfew to be inside (we called the zone leaders don't worry) and at the end I actually got on his case a bit! I told him to flip to a page, read a verse and tell me how long it took to read "like two seconds" and committed him to read one verse a day. We've told him many times how powerful the Book of Mormon is and we've told him why we need it several times, he just never gets up and reads it, even though he says it helps with his PTSD, which I don't doubt it does because it's only the best book in the world (kind of a big deal) We set up solid commitments for Tuesday appointments at 4, calls every Wednesdays and Saturdays and we expect him at church every Sunday unless he calls us to tell us otherwise. I kind of went a bit drill Sergeant on him and he responded really well, not surprisingly he's a Vet. Please send your prayers so we can help M_____ improve and find those who want to progress in their lives.
We could surely use a couple prayers for this work.
Not for us, but for those seeking the word of the Lord.
We've gotten much better at street contacting now that we've been doing our best to do what's call the Mission Training Plan. Basically we're learning 170 scriptures and a majority of the Preach my Gospel and the whole Living Christ. Elder Stafford and I decided we would try to do it every night and see how it helps, and it helps a lot. President says that Confidence comes from Competence, and we use those scriptures and lessons every day. But no matter how many scriptures you have memorized, nothing beats a solid testimony that you've gained for yourself, and there's no better teacher that the Holy Ghost. Something that we always say is that "We can tell you till we're just blue in the face and gasping for air, but the only way that you'll come to know that it's true is to take this invitation (Moroni 10:3-5) and see for yourself." I think that shocks a few people because whenever they say that they'll research the heck out of it, we get super excited and tell them to do just that and to tell us what they find. Of course we point them the right direction ( and give them context and tools, as we should, it's always up to them whether or not they want to improve.
We went to a member's home to visit and share a message and we just had a ball. They were converted in 1975, and they said that the funniest thing that they've seen after being members was a sign that they saw on a church that said; "Whenever the Mormon missionaries ask you to pray about their Book, don't do it, that's where they get ya!"
They told us that and we died! You bet it's true! It's just that little act of faith to bring you to the knowledge of the truth! IT'S SO AWESOME!!!
Watch "Reach out to Him in Faith" on Mormon messages. We saw that this week and just felt incredible. I feel like there's quite a few people who need to see it and it helps with all types of situations.
Something else I would like to point to your attention is the charge made by President Nelson to Gather scattered Israel. Im sure you saw it on Facebook, but if you haven't give it a watch, but I posted a video of him stating basically the purpose of President Nelson's current ministry. I wouldn't be surprised if the Full time Missionaries came over to talk to you all and put you on date to share the gospel with someone in a " normal and natural way". I invite you all to council with the Lord in prayer to choose a date in which you're able to do that. If you're uncomfortable with the fact that we're all being called to serve in this work, even with the situations which all of us face, then all I have to say is: Good. There's no growth in the comfort zone and there's no comfort in the growth zone. We were also given a statistic by the President that 5:1 people that the members refer to the missionaries to teach are baptized, and 500:1 people are baptized by missionaries finding on their own efforts.
I've attached the letter from the stake presidency that's been released here, and a video of President Nelson if you haven't seen it. My commitment to you all is to pray for a date, and when you've chosen one, tell me what it is and I'll do my best to follow up.
I give you a Disciple's blessing and promise that as you do your best to apply the teaching of the Book of Mormon, the Prophet and all the Holy Scripture into your lives, you will be blessed beyond measure and I know that as you do your best to do what President Nelson has told us, you'll feel not only closer to me, but most importantly, closer to the Lord. I'll do my best to help, but Im sure you'll figure it out.
Sure love you!!!
Elder Johansen
A message from President Nelson.
Reach Up to Him in Faith
The Greatest Charge
A message from Elder Johansen's Stake Presidency
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