Sunday, January 20, 2019

Happy New Year.....

Happy New Year
Another one down!

What an exciting year for all of us! So many insane things have happened and hopefully were all the better for it right? It was awesome that Sister Howell did that [sent a picture of Elder Johansen and Elder Conrad while they visited with Brother and Sister Howell]. I don't know what the picture looks like, but that night I was holding at least 8 different dolls at a time, they belonged their great granddaughter and she is the cutest little girl. Brother and Sister Howell are always kind of surprised at what toys she has us hold. It's really cute 😁 they're a great couple and they love the missionaries which is so awesome. They told us that it's just fair to make sure that the missionaries are taken care of while we're away from home, serving the Lord. All in all they are amazing and happy people who really take great care of the missionaries. And she new that her sending you that picture would make you happy. Also, now they want me to play the piano for them 😶 more experience!
(Picture sent to us from Sister Howell)

Quiz Question- What did Jesus Christ inherit from his mother and what did he inherit from his Father?
Answer- Christ was of course born of Mary and the Father. This was necessary because Christ needed to make the sacrifice himself and through being born of a mortal; he received the power to die, through an immortal; he received power over death.
-We talked about it in the MTC one night and that was pretty cool!

Right now I'm in Alma 37. And something that really stuck out to me was when Alma told Helaman that "through small and simple things, great things come to pass" (Alma 37:6)
I think that's just so powerful in our lives. And if we put that with 1 Nephi 17:8-10, when Nephi is commanded to build the ship, it's just a little easier to see that as we prayerfully put in our efforts to do the little things, we can make great things come to pass.

Me and my companion are really trying to scrounge up some recipes, so if there's anything you think would be good to make, we'd love to have em!

This week has honesty been a big improvement! We've been planning a whole lot better and now that the holidays are finally over, we can fully focus on the work and it won't be as hard to get to people! Things are going really good!! Unfortunately there haven't been a whole lot of things happen so there's not a whole lot to talk about. But! We did melt a whole bag of hard candy, had fun with that, liquefied it, made it into jello, then put a whole potato in it..... New year's day was a hard one on us.

I love you all and I can't wait to hear from you!
Elder Johansen

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